Matthew Collins Designs is owned and operated by Matthew and his wife Abby. They made their home just south of the Twin Cities and decided to start a small business together. 
Abby is currently a full time student and Matthew is a third generation logger who grew up learning all he knows through the family business. 

After many years in the logging industry Matthew decided to add another "log to the fire" and start woodworking. His family business provides him with access to a variety of wood species allowing for each crafted piece to be unique.

All wood is locally salvaged and recycled with the exception of cypress. They strive to utilize every part of each log and eliminate waste.  Unlike many woodworkers, Matthew completes every part of the log processing. He personally cuts each tree down and processes the logs on his sawmill. The wood is dried in a solar powered kiln, and lastly is crafted into furniture pieces. With Matthew being able to process the logs from beginning to end this allows them to sell hand crafted pieces at an affordable price for their customers. 

Matthew and Abby hope their customers find as much joy from woodworking as they do! 

Call or email us today!  

e.  p. 612.867.2527